
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cheers to the New Year!

Is it against the rules to blog more than once in one night?.... Sadly I think I'm breaking some unwritten rule. Oh well! Haha. I can't believe it's already 2015. Crazy how time flies. Celebrated New Years with my momma and Brookie in Idaho and came back to start spring semester! I'm enrolled in 17 credits and it's been kickin' my butt! Indoor season started and I couldn't go to the first meet in Boise because I tweaked my Achilles tendon right before. Coach Rosel is still crazy and clueless as every but what's new haha. Started my season off the following week in Boise again and finished fifth in the 60. 200 was terrible but I guess I can't complain. The next week we went to New Mexico and I got my butt kicked! There was only two other white girls in the 60.... Wasn't a great confidence booster. Track just isn't the same anymore. Trying to stay positive. Here's some pictures from the last few weeks!- XOXO

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