
Friday, March 6, 2015

Days Like These

It's finally spring break! After 3 tests this week I am definitely in need of a break haha. So I finally gave in tonight and signed up for the premium subscription on to watch the video of my race when I got hurt. It was so weird to watch. I could see everything that happened from another perspective. It was hard. I can't help but think if that was the last time I'll run the 60 meter dash. Still trying to have patience and faith. And let me tell you it is not easy haha! But with the Lord's help we can do all things. I am a strong believer in that. Tomorrow will be the one month mark of my injury. And one week down with Booty and 5 more no weight bearing! Days like these make me feel so extremely grateful. I am especially grateful there is no snow for me to crutch through! It was the perfect weather today so me, Brooke, Kim, and Adam took a trip up to Old Main Hill and sat at the top of the Amphitheater. I love Logan.I love Utah State University. And most of all I love my sisters. Happiness is a choice. So lets be grateful in all circumstances and choose happiness. Gotta run! XOXO

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