
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Minor Setback for a Major Comeback

Happy Hump Day! I'm about to the 3 week mark with my crutches! My incisions have started to scar and my foot almost looks normal minus the swelling around my ankle. I went into the training room today and Coach Grinnel saw me and asked me how I was. He was so genuine and said something that really empowered and motivated me. He said, "This injury is just a minor setback for a major comeback." I don't know what it was, but that really hit me. It made me want to focus on the end result and not focus on the negatives of my situation. I know this is only going to make me stronger and I can't wait to get back to running.
Being thankful for my trials is definitely difficult, but trusting in the Lord makes it that much easier. Don't let a small setback ruin your future. Gotta run! XOXO

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