
Sunday, April 5, 2015

Because of Him

Wow, what an amazing weekend I've had! I always get so excited for Conference weekend and this year in particular I felt like I really needed to hear what our dear prophet and his apostles had to say. Saturday we just stayed here and watched it and Dad came for the first half. I really did feel like the talks were prepared for me and had the exact words that I needed to hear. I felt like many of the talks on Saturday focused on temple marriage and the family unit. L. Tom Perry's was one of my favorites. He focused on letting people know that the other world religions believe the family to be very sacred and important. And it's so true! It is so much better to look at others who are different from us and try to find the similarities rather than the differences. Later that night we headed down to Hooper to Jess' house to dye Easter eggs which I hadn't done in years! It was way fun and I love spending time with her family. We stayed up laughing our guts out all night haha. It made me really sad that Jessica won't be living with us next semester because I really have grown to love her. She is just beautiful inside and out and she's basically my sister haha.
We woke up and ate pancakes for breakfast. It was so cute because Jess' mom Kelli even make an easter basket for me and Brooke and let us hunt for it. So cute. I felt like a little kid again. We watched the first session which was AMAZING! Elder Holland's talk was definitely my favorite and was so powerful. Then we headed to Salt Lake to the Conference Center! I'm not gonna lie, I was a little nervous with all of the crowds and stairs. But all of the ushers were so kind to me. We actually got really good seats. It was so awesome. I just love President Monson. I feel like he isn't going to be with us much longer. It breaks my heart. But once again, it was an amazing experience and a happy happy Easter. I love the mormon message video from last year entitled, "Because of Him." I absolutely LOVE it and the new one for this year entitled, "Because He Lives." Here's the link to watch it:
The gospel is so real and true and I cannot explain how happy it makes me. Because of Him: Everyday is a new beginning, No goodbye will last forever, I can leave my past behind, the world is filled with second chances, we can start again again, and there are no endings. Because of Him, I am everything I am and everything I can be. Let us remember his atoning sacrifice and that HE LIVES. Happy Easter. Gotta run! XOXO

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