
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Bitter Sweet

Wow, I can't believe I am officially done with my second year of college at Utah State! It still feels like yesterday when I was moving into Pineview my freshman year. Goodness where has the time gone? It's odd because during the school year I always want it to be summer but once it's over I'm a little sad and want to go back. These past 8 months were definitely no where near what I thought they would be, but they have definitely been an adventure.
First of all, I just want to brag about and thank my roomie Jessica. Where do I even start? I would have never thought that we would be best friends when I met her almost 2 years ago. She is just so beautiful inside and out. She's driven beyond belief and just a little stubborn (like me haha). She is one of the kindest and welcoming people you will ever meet and will probably make you laugh at least fifty million times. I'm gonna miss our late night chats, laughing until we pee our pants and my face hurts, your bomb crock-pot dinners/brownies/famous cookies, venting about our boy drama, and just you. Thanks for being my taxi all semester (Thanks Carla), listening to me vent about track and boys, making me fat with your baking, bawling while watching Grey's anatomy with me,being my library buddy, and being the best roomie I could've asked for. I'm so sad I won't be living with Jess next, but I'm happy for the new journey she's about to take and I know that's not where it ends. Love you long time!
Well, after 81 days of being on crutches I am officially crutch-less! If someone had told me that I was going to be on crutches for 3 months I would have told them to jump in a lake! Haha but I did it!
Went for my check up with Dr.Morgan this morning with my Dad. They took x-rays and told me everything looked great. You can't even see my fracture anymore! Just 3 screws light up like a Christmas tree on my x-rays but that's normal haha. Initially they had told me I would be in my boot all of May but they said to start wearing a regular shoe and walking around gradually a few hours a day. They said I should be out of my boot within a week! How crazy is that?! You could say I'm a little excited... just a little! :D Plus, Dr.Hall, my PA, said I could shadow him. I'm super stoked! When I went and did my physical therapy with Lori and Kevin today I put on a shoe which was a bit of struggle and walked! It was the oddest feeling. Haha I got a little dizzy because I was so nervous. But therapy is going so well and I am so grateful for the people and the facilities I have to help me get back to what I love. And I just wanna say how thankful I am for my Dad. He has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which is basically an enlarged heart. And let me tell you it makes perfect sense because he is literally the most giving and selfless person I have ever met. He's my best friend and has and always will be there for me. (Guys I'm totally the favored child ;) ) We've sort of made it a habit to got to Einstein's Bagels after my doctor's appointments... and I'm not complaining. :)
I know I still have a long ways to go, but I am really proud of myself for how far I have come. I never would have thought this would happen to me and that I could handle all of this. But I'm glad the Lord knows how strong I am and how strong I can become. Well, goodbye sophomore year. Thanks for all the memories. And HELLO SUMMER! Gotta run! XOXO

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