
Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Big 2-0

Well it's official, I am no longer a teenager! I feel so old haha. This past weekend was so fun though. Kim, Brooke, and I all drove down to Boise on Saturday morning and I got there to see the kitchen decorated with balloons and birthday things. Guys, my mom is so awesome. I hadn't seen her since my injury at the indoor track so I was so so happy to finally see my mama.
We payed our usual visit to Otto's house who, bless his heart, made a giant cake and a dinner for our birthday. He is such a kind man that I have a lot to be thankful for. I didn't really care what I got for my birthday. I was just happy to see my mom and be home! (even if it was the death of my teenage years ;) )
I was even more excited that I got to be home for Mother's day. My mom is truly an amazing woman. She succeeds at everything she puts her mind to and is extremely talented. She's taught me more than I can say and has been such an amazing example to me my entire life. I can imagine her as a single mother caring for 5 children in a run-down old farm house and being scared out her mind. But I don't remember how much we didn't have or how bad it really was. I remember the family home evenings and scripture studies where we could barely sit still, making cookies in the kitchen, playing in her very impressive garden, the arts and crafts that would leave a mess, camping trips, the chore chart with the cute prizes, and every other good memory I have of my childhood. My Mom has shown me the kind of person and mother I want to become. She has shown me how the atonement can heal and bring us indescribable joy. Her spirit is so beautiful and is one of my favorite things about her. Her example has touched me in so many ways. Just like the stripling warriors mothers had taught them: "...yea, they had been taught by their mothers, that if they did not doubt, God would deliver them. And they rehearsed unto me the words of their mothers, saying: We do not doubt our mothers knew it." (Alma 56:47-48) Thank you for helping me to become a stripling warrior Mom. Thank you for being everything I hope to be. I love you lots.
And to top off this amazing weekend, I got to Skype my best friends serving missions! :D They are such an example to me and I love them to pieces! Aubree comes home in August! Where has the time gone? I feel like she just left haha. And Andi comes home next May-ish. I'm so proud of them and everything they are doing.
I could not have asked for a better birthday. Finally the big 2-0! And just to put some icing on top of the cake... I AM OUT OF MY BOOT AND WALKING! That much closer to running again. Well, gotta run! XOXO

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